Commission Prices

Conditions of working with Moonleaf Art are at the bottom, please make sure to read them before commissioning me.

Please DM me on Discord for commissions!moonleafart

Rendered Eye
£40 / $50

Sketch: £40 / $50
Rendered: £70 / $89

Half Body
Sketch: £90 / $115
Rendered: £120 / $152

Full Body
Sketch: £110 / $140
Rendered: £150 / $191


Additional characters are 80% of the price chosen

Small: + £10 / $12
Medium: + £20 / $24
Large: + £30 / $36
Small: + £20 / $24
Medium: + £30 / $36
Large: + £40 / $47

*Equal to or larger than the character will be the same price as an additional character.

Sketch: + £10 / $12
Rendered: + £20 / $24

Armour / WeaponDetailed Armour
Sketch: + £30 / $12
Rendered: + £40 / $24
Sketch: + £20 / $12
Rendered: + £30 / $24

Screenshot insert: + £2 / $3

*All backgrounds are simple unless chosen otherwise.

What is shown in my examples are what i'm most comfortable with, so if you're unsure I'll be capable or comfortable painting something for you please ask! I will happily discuss and explain whether or not I'm comfortable doing something.I do NOT accept any AI images for references.I reserve the right to deny any request.I reserve the right to stop a commission and refund if I feel uncomfortable or incapable of completing the commission.All payments must be made upfront via my ko-fi (paypal is available if that does not work)Cancellation fees will vary depending on the stage the commission is cancelled.Any changes once the piece is complete will have a limit of 2 before I start charging a fee.All art commissioned is not for commercial use.Any and all artwork completed by Moonleaf Art cannot be changed or altered by anyone except Moonleaf Art.